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The Summer Reading List Challenge - a Community Event

Remember when you were in school and they used to give you those reading lists that were meant to prepare you for the things you'd be studying the next year? Because I'm a giant geek, I always loved those lists. I'm a big fan of reading challenges (although I'm generally hopeless at actually completing them, but this one will be the exception) and I love the idea of creating a reading list that will enable me to read some of the books that have been languishing on my TBR for years, to pick some new books that explore subjects I'm interested in, or to discover completely new genres. Summer seems like such a great time to do this - the weather is (hopefully) warmer, days are longer, things slow down a bit. What better time for literary wallowing?

This challenge is designed more to be a community event than a reading challenge with strict goals or anything - it's super flexible. The idea is that you create yourself a reading list of books you'd like to read at any point between now and the end of August. We'll have a dedicated area in our brand new forum for the challenge (anyone can join, not just Ninja Book Box customers) so people can post their lists there, ask for recommendations on specific subjects, genres or anything they want inspiration for and generally chat. Anyone who posts their list will be entered into a prize draw, prizes for which will be announced in the forum at a later date, but they'll be good!

We'll be using #srlchallenge on social media to talk about everything we're reading, and if we have enough participants to warrant it we might organise a monthly twitter chat too, because who doesn't love a twitter chat?

Come tell us what you're going to read!

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