Indie Resources
Whether you're new to the world of indie books or a passionate supporter of all things independent we hope you'll find something useful on this page!
An extensive list of bloggers who regularly review independently and self published books.
Independent publishers
Our Indie Publisher List - a list of UK based independent publishers along with their specialities.
The Independent Alliance - looking for some independent publishers to try? You'll find big names and smaller ones in Faber & Faber's independent alliance.
Inpress Books - Inpress is an online bookshop much the same as Wordery, with the exception that they focus on selling books published by independent publishers, which makes it easier to find excellent indie titles. We also sell some independent books in our bookshop here.
Northern Fiction Alliance - a publishing collective founded by Comma Press and made up of lots of brilliant indie publishers aiming to showcase "diversity, creativity and spirit of risk taking that sets Northern publishers apart".
Republic of Consciousness Prize - a book prize launched in 2016 specifically for books published by independent publishers. It is judged by independent booksellers and is an all around excellent thing. The first winner was Counternarratives by John Keene (published by Fitzcarraldo Editions).
Independent Bookshops
Independent Booksellers Week - and actually everything Books are my Bag organise is pretty great for us booklovers but IBW is a bit special. It's a week that's basically a big celebration of independent bookshops. Lots of bookshops have parties and events,lots of people go on bookshop crawls and their's also an IBW award.
London Bookshop Crawl - plugging myself here as London Bookshop Crawl is something I organise. All booklovers are welcome to join us for a day of book shopping in dreary February when nothing much is happening. We visit primarily independent bookshops and have a great time, plus lots of special bookshop crawl extras including goody bags, discounts and more. If you're interested in joining us for 2018 get in touch!
50 Brilliant Independent Bookshops in the UK (Den of Geek) - an interesting list of some great bookshops around the country.
Wordery - an absolutely excellent alternative to Amazon, Wordery are an online independent bookseller with a really wide range of titles on offer. Yes, you pay a little more than Amazon but worldwide shipping is free! (I am an affiliate of Wordery because I love them and want everyone else to, so any title links on this website will be affiliate and go to Wordery meaning that if you buy through that link I'll get a very small commission)
I'd also highly recommend The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell which is gorgeous and features all kind of bookshops from all over the world.