Today is the last day you can get raffle tickets. At 10pm tonight they will go off sale and at some point tomorrow afternoon we'll draw the winners from a hat! If you haven't yet purchased raffle tickets please do consider it - each of the three prize bundles you could win contains books and goodies worth £70 - £120 and all of the money raised goes to Give a Book and the literacy projects that they work with!
But the point of this post is to say a huge thank you to... well, everyone really. It wouldn't have been possible to organise this incredible raffle and blog tour without support from all of our contributors and we're so thrilled to be part of a community so willing to get involved and support important things! Through the posts we've written over the last month we've discovered so many new, wonderful things and learned a lot about many different aspects of business, design and publishing.
We also want to thank those of you who've bought raffle tickets already and helped us get to just shy of £450 (can we make £500 by 10pm??) It really is amazing to be able to hand over that amount of money to Give a Book and to know that it's going into the many amazing literacy projects they support. You should know that your raffle ticket purchases, whether you bought one or twenty, will make a difference in somebody's life. If you'd like to find out more about the projects that they work with you can see our features here.
Finally we want to say thanks (and we'll be saying it again in your November boxes!) to our subscribers and everyone who's supported us in any way over the past year. Many incredible bloggers participated in our launch blog tour, we had amazing people back us on Kickstarter and a lot of them have been subscribers ever since, we've worked with fantastic publishers (special mentions to Jen at Salt, Lynn at Linen Press, Nichola at And Other Stories, and Simon at Seren Books but many others have been amazing too!), brilliant makers and designers, and many others of you subscribe to our book club or have bought the occassional book or other item from our website. We also love you if you've ever retweeted anything, talked to us on twitter or Instagram, tagged any of your friends in any of our posts, and generally been wonderful. We could not do this without any of you.
The work of running a small business mostly on your own is often hard and I'm regularly overwhelmed by how much I don't know how to do as well as I'd like, but at the end of the day the fact that we create on a quarterly basis a beautiful product of which we're immensely proud and are continually able to put money in the pockets of small businesses and independent publishers through the box and now through our book club too as well as regularly donating to our charitable partner (£1 from every box goes to Give a Book as well as the proceeds of this raffle) means we've already fulfilled pretty much everything we set out to do a year ago. You can't ask for more than that really can you? (I mean, to be able to pay myself would be nice, but we have to save some dreams for the future!).
OK, so sappy post is over. Onwards into the second year!
If you'd like to work with us in any way in 2018 please do get in touch.