A while back now we took applications for and duly selected two Ninja Readers. These wonderful people help us with all of the titles we are sent by publishers to consider for the book box and the book club. Each month they select a book or two from our database and we post them out. They then have 30 days to send us their feedback on whether books are suitable for our book club and/or book box. We love this process as it means we have four of us keeping up with the reading rather than just me, but our box/book club shelves are looking pretty full at the moment so the time has come to open applications for another reader!
Applicants should be:
Located in the UK - we are a small business and need to keep our postage costs as low as possible.
18 or over. We are a non genre specific box and as such some of the books we receive for consideration have explicit themes.
Able to commit to reading a book or two for us each month and willing to read from a wide variety of genres.
Able to keep secrets! You may talk about being a Ninja Reader but please don't specify what you're reading for us until after a decision has been reached on where/if it will be included.
Able and willing to help us to promote Ninja Book Box/Ninja Book Club in a gentle way via blog and social media mentions, retweets etc.
In return you will receive:
A book or two of your choice from our database each month (if the book is suitable for book box inclusion you will need to post it back to us so we can also read it. Otherwise you can keep it.)
50% off our quarterly book boxes once feedback has been submitted.
20% off everything else in our shop, including book club subscriptions which are usually exempt from discount codes once feedback has been submitted.
Applications will close on Sunday 19th March at 11.59pm
Good luck!