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Indieathon TBR

Updated: Mar 7, 2019

Starting on Friday is the Indieathon, a week long readathon where we make more time for reading indie books! You can check out all the details in our announcement video below. Last year we took part in the IndieAthon organised by various bloggers on twitter, but as this doesn't seem to be happening this year we've decided to run our own, slightly shorter version!

In the video I mention twitter chats. As this readathon is super low key we've decided not to have official twitter chats as such, but we're inviting people to chat with us on twitter using #Indieathon and to come join our Facebook group where I'll be posting reading update chats throughout the week. There will also be a giveaway and we'll be updating the blog a couple of times during the event so watch this space for all of that!

The best thing about a good readathon is making a TBR pile, am I right? Since Indieathon starts on March 8th, which is International Women's Day, you'll see that I let that influence the books I pulled out to read...

All of these books were picked from my Indie Challenge TBR & books I've added to it since the beginning of the year, so I'll also share the squares they fit for those of you who are taking part!

I'm currently still in the middle of Your Silence Will Not Protect You by Audre Lorde (Silver Press - a Women's Press, a New to You Press, Marginalised People, Non-Fiction, LGBTQIA ), a collection of Lorde's writing that I already wrote about in my February Reading post. Hopefully I'll finish it pretty quickly as it's really engrossing.

Other picks inspired by International Women's Day and their 2019 theme of #BalanceforBetter are Repeal the 8th edited by Una Mullany (Unbound - Anthology, Non-Fiction, Crowdfunded, Author from Another Country), a book I bought just before the Irish referendum on abortion in May 2018, My Shitty Twenties by Emily Morris (Salt - Debut, Non-Fiction, Biography), a memoir that I've owned since I won a signed copy in the Authors for Grenfell auction, Tea with Mr Rochester by Frances Towers (A Women's Press, Book from your TBR) which was the first Persephone book I ever owned, and my most recent book acquisition, Nevertheless, She Persisted by Jon Walter (David Fickling Books - Non-Fiction), which my husband bought for me on the London Bookshop Crawl.

It's quite a female heavy list, but I added on Grief is the Thing with Feathers by Max Porter (Faber & Faber - Defies Genre, A Debut, Award Winner), a signed copy that I bought from bookshop of my heart Toppings in Bath a few years ago, and Moonlocket by Peter Bunzl (Usborne - Kids/YA, Genre Fiction, Book from a Series) because I loved and adored Cogheart and my husband tells me off for not having read the sequel fairly regularly!

I know I won't read all of these. My average reading speed at the moment is less than one book a week, but if I can finish the book I'm reading at the moment and make decent headway with one other then I'll be happy! Moonlocket and Grief is the Thing with Feathers are on there because I reckon they'll be pretty quick reads, and Repeal the 8th is one I plan on dipping in and out of.

If you're joining in with the Indieathon there isn't an official sign up post as such, but you can comment here with a link to your blog, youtubue channel, twitter or wherever you'll be taking part, or you can comment on the sign up post in our Facebook group!

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