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Guts Publishing are a newer indie who push the boundaries of literature and acceptability.
How did Guts Publishing start?
It’s a longish story about how Guts got started, but to summarize I was a writer for many years and prior to that a visual artist. When I published my first book I made just about every mistake you could possibly make, but learned a hell of a lot. And I cried a lot, because putting your work out there can be a terrifying experience, especially if you are writing about your own life. You know your work is going to be judged and in turn your life is going to be judged. It’s just how it is, not right or wrong, but not pleasant to go through. The name Guts Publishing came naturally. Because that’s what it takes to put your work out there. I had been through it and felt I was in a position to help other writers get through it too. But not only get through it, but do it right and have lots of support and kindness along the way. For our first book we decided to do an anthology. It was a great way to get lots of writers involved and spread the word about Guts. And anthologies are loads of fun, especially if you have a racy theme (which we did!). I wanted to do something that pushed the boundaries of what is considered ‘literature’, and the topics that are considered acceptable (which we did!). Our tagline became: Ballsy books about life. After that we started publishing memoirs, and now we’re doing literary fiction too.
Can you tell us a bit about your upcoming titles?
We’re getting ready to publish Blade in the Shadow, a debut memoir by Scottish writer, Jillian Halket. Here’s a short description: From a young age, Jillian is obsessed with rituals to keep herself and others safe from the intense, dark thoughts. After moving to Glasgow, she hopes for a new beginning but the thoughts get louder, and she escapes by pushing her body to unknown limits. Blade in the Shadow is a coming-of-age memoir filled with hope, sadness, strength and beautiful prose, in which Jillian shares her story of healing from intrusive thoughts and addiction. The memoir dispels myths surrounding OCD, substance abuse and sexual assault, told through Jilian, a working-class, pansexual woman in rural Scotland.
If it's possible to answer, what's been your favourite title to publish so far? That's a pretty hard question as they all make up a part of me. I love them all, they’re like my kids. And each one is so unique. But if I had to pick one I think I’d say Stories About Penises.
Check out everything Guts Publishing does by visiting their website.