In our March newsletter we didn't spotlight an indie publisher, but instead took the time to tell you a little bit more about our wonderful charitable partners, Give a Book, who we've been donating £1 for every box we sell to since 2017 as well as fundraising for them through raffles and auctions. They are an amazing charity who support the work of many other literacy projects and charities throughout the UK, bringing books to people who really need them.
1. How did Give a Book begin?
GAB began in 2011 was set up in memory of playwright Simon Gray who loved to read and to share his reading.
2. Can you tell us a little about your current and upcoming projects?
We work mainly in prisons and in schools with significant disadvantage. Our current projects include Prison Reading Groups, Making it Up (a project for families with a prisoner parent), Books in the Nick (books for custody suites), Books for First Nighters (in prison), Breakfast Book Clubs - providing a book for children alongside a healthy breakfast, and we try to do a whole school library project every year setting up a primary school library where there isn’t one.
3. Give a Book is an unusual charity in that it supports many other charities and literacy projects. What are some of the challenges and rewards of doing what you do?
We like working with other charities and organisations, and find that we can often add value to an existing project and increase its reach, or help create a new one. We enjoy working with like-minded individuals and find that working with others often makes something bigger than the sum of its parts.
If you'd like to find out more about what Give a Book do, head over to their website and have a browse. You can also read our 2017 interview with Olivia, a past Give a Book employee, here.