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Writer's pictureNinja Book Box

Let's Talk About Change

Updated: May 28, 2019

Everyone's always telling us change is a good thing. Without change you can't grow etc etc. Personally, I kind of hate change, but as I've grown older I've learned to accept that good things can come out of it, and that's definitely the case with some of the little changes we're making around here.

Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash

We're almost entirely back from hiatus - we're getting ready to send out the first books for Ninja Book Club this week, and reading like fury so that we can reveal the theme of August's re-launch box in early June. Plans for the Bath Bookshop Crawl are in full swing and we're event starting to think about all sorts of goodness for the 5th birthday of the London Bookshop Crawl in 2020! One of my favourite things about NBB is the freedom it's given me to try out things and see what works and what doesn't, and this hiatus has definitely given me the space I needed to clear up some thoughts I was having, so without further ado, here are the ways in which we'll be changing in the upcoming weeks and months:

  • Firstly, recurring book club subscriptions are only open from 1st - 15th of the month now. This is to enable us to operate properly from a financial standpoint. Just practically, it's easier to pay publishers for books if you actually have the money to give them. This is also the reason why we no longer offer an annual subscription option on either the book club or the box.

  • We're not doing a Summer Reading box anymore. Sorry, Summer Reading Box fans, it just doesn't work for us I'm afraid. Whichever way we do it we always seem to end up with lots of leftover stock and as such a tiny business operating on such a tiny budget, it doesn't make sense to have our finances tied up in leftover stock.

  • We're reinventing the Little Box of Calm. The principle will still be the same going forward and we're already working on plans for the next incarnation, but it's going to be a smaller run and a smaller box; just the book plus a couple of gifts and we're hoping for a price point of around £15 rather than £26 as it has been previously. We hope this will help make it accessible to as many people that might benefit from it as possible, and of course it's available to buy as a gift too!

  • The only thing that's changing about Ninja Book Box is the shipping schedule. It'll still be quarterly but will now ship in September, December, March and June, returning in September 2019. It's still multi genre, still all indie books and still fantastic small business made gifts. It will still be weird, and still available as both one-off and recurring quarterly subscriptions. The annual subscription is gone however, except in November & December when we'll be offering it as part of our awesome Christmas shop. You'll be able to subscribe from 1st - 15th of the month before the box is shipped, and we're still going to be offering the mini box option for those of you who want books but don't want all the stuff! We're also looking at the possibility of including the occasional international indie from time to time, and we'll keep you updated on all of that.

To help us to keep expanding, changing and fine tuning everything we do so that it's the best it can be, we'd love to hear your feedback on the services we provide! Whether you're a regular subscriber, have purchased one off things from us or just subscribe to the newsletter or blog, please take a moment and let us know what we're doing well and what could be better...

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